When Adele’s album ’30’ was released in November 2021, I immediately fell in love with the song ‘I drink wine’. The lyrics, the music, her incredible voice, it all made for a tune which I played over and over for months on end. I also think the title is a spark of genius.

For years, I did drink wine. A cold, crisp glass of white was my ultimate treat at the weekend. Sauvignon blanc, pinot grigio, or whatever else was available, as long as it was cold and white, I was game.

Until one Friday evening, I sat down to watch a movie with my kids, poured myself a glass of white and when I took a sip….a thought hit me….a thought I immediately dismissed…..but one that came back a few times during that first glass.

What does this add to my life?

The question remained on my mind the rest of the weekend. And after careful consideration, I could come to no other conclusion than that the answer was: nothing.

It adds nothing.

I let that thought simmer in my head the next week (I only used to drink at weekends, so nothing changed immediately) and I started to wonder how I would feel if I wouldn’t drink. Would I miss it? Would I be desperate for a glass of wine on Friday? Would I feel deprived of something I enjoyed so much?

So, I decided to see how I felt if I didn’t drink. I ordered some non-alcoholic spirits, because I felt like I still wanted a treat drink at the weekend and I gave it a go. I made my first ever non-alcoholic margarita and it was lovely. I still had the same feeling as when I had a glass of wine, but without the alcohol. I was starting to think, maybe I could do this. Maybe I could even enjoy this.

I have now been completely sober for almost 4 months and I can honestly say that I am loving it.

I love how I sleep better (which, for an insomniac like me, is a pretty big deal). I love how I never wake up feeling slightly worse for wear because of that one glass too many. I love how I never have to think about how I will get home after a night out because I just drive. I love how I feel like I have more time because I don’t waste it drinking. I love how, at nine o’clock on a Friday night, I can still go to the gym if i want to.

I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel an enormous sense of freedom.

Now, I’m not trying to make anyone give up on their favourite drink, but I do challenge you to ask yourself the question: what does this add to my life?

If you’ve had a similar experience, please let me know in the comments, I’d love to hear about it.

Hope you all have a great week!

Click on the image above to check out my debut novel Left Behind, a historical novel set in Amsterdam during the last few months of WW2.

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23 responses to “I drink wine”

  1. When I was first divorced, I bought a bottle of sherry each week with the shopping. It only cost £2. one small glass was my treat at the end of the day, after the children were in bed, my college work done, and I was finished working on the house for the night. I reasoned it helped me sleep. After a month I asked myself, why am I wasting my money, I have nothing to show for it. I needed that money for my kids.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, divorce will do that to you – I went through rather a lot of wine shortly after mine.

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  2. I think going sober is a very respectable trait. And one that has so many benefits!
    Whilst I may not quite be on the sober train just yet, I can say that I wrote a blog post drunk not so long ago and it was terrible 🥴 so alcohol (many many units this particular night) added sweet FA 🙃
    All the best and well done! 👏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. And I really want to read that blog post now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooft i’m not sure you do. Its a bad belnd of spelling mistakes, poor grammar and punctuation haha!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hmm, maybe I should pass ha ha.

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      3. No judgements here! Writing in different situations is definitely eye opening haha


  3. Good for you. I don’t drink alcohol either. Haven’t for 10-15 years. I don’t remember the last time I was drunk but it was a very long time ago.

    I’ve never liked beer or wine or the taste of alcohol and I hate losing control so it’s pretty easy for me to say no to drinking alcohol.

    Instead I drink way too much soda and that in itself is not healthy as well 😂.


  4. Nice! I do like the taste, but also have an issue with being out of control :-). Ah yes, soda is indeed terrible for you, luckily I was never a big soda fan.


  5. “What does this add to my life?” is an excellent question and for more than wine I think.

    I’m in my sixties and, for the past decade or so, I’ve been noticing that many of the things that I grew up thinking of as treats have little appeal beyond habit and shared ceremony.

    I don’t think this is just a function of declining appetites as I age. I think it has more to do with me having more control over my day-to-day life so I have less and less need to reward myself for surviving the day.

    Thinking about your post, I realise that the question I’ve been starting to ask myself is, “What value do I want to have added to my life?”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, it certainly isn’t a question limited to just wine. I use it a lot when I’m trying to make big life decisions, it helps put things in perspective. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

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  6. I haven’t cut out alcohol completely but I can go months without it and literally forget that it exists. I never thought that could happen to me!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. An excellent, important question, and I’m so glad you’re exploring it on the blog. I recently listened to this podcast with Mel Robbins, which sheds a lot of perspective on the (lack of) health and well-being aspects of alcohol use. https://www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-155 Stay sober curious – you won’t regret it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, I’ll have a listen to that podcast. So far, I’m loving my sober journey, it’s been really good. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


  8. Love this! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A great post, we all go through something like this in some way. For me, I don’t drink alcohol, it’s never appealed to me, but I like chocolate. As I’ve gotten older, I realized many things (foods or activities) that I enjoyed when I was young, I don’t enjoy now, but I long for that feeling I had when I did enjoy them. So, I had to do some soul searching. Why eat a certain chocolate out of habit, when I get no enjoyment out of each bit. When now, I might really enjoy a nice container of watermelon or my Italian grandmother’s Italian cookies with hot tea in the afternoon. It’s funny, how our mind shifts. Now, the watermelon, the ritual of tea, brings me joy and happiness. This is to your point of finding alternatives to alcohol in non-alcoholic beverages. We like to be creatures of comfort, but when we realize we are not gaining any happy feelings anymore from being stagnant, time to change. There is a big world out there, right!! Here’s to 2024 and fabulous changes. 🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is indeed interesting how, things you never thought you’d go without, you don’t even miss.

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      1. Yes, it is so interesting. I don’t know if it is with age this happens or since COVID, so many things changed.

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  10. I’ve been dry since November 2022 – it didn’t start as permanent thing…but it’s kind of become one…sometimes I miss wine a bit – but I think my missing is more romanticizing of it, than actually missing it…I’ve found lots of ways to keep romance and keep out alcohol: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/algoodwin5_dry-drinks-that-dont-suck-activity-7158120635989204993-wcCe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great. Mine didn’t start as a permanent thing either. I stopped in November 2023, had a couple of drinks on new year’s eve, found it didn’t add anything and been dry ever since. I get what you mean about missing wine, I have the same, but not enough to start drinking again ha ha. My issue with finding replacement drinks is that I try to not have drinks with too much sugar or sweeteners, which limits things a little. Like the linkedIn post, very good.


      1. Fresh citrus helps a lot – a new one I’m obsessed with: ice, coke zero, tart cherry juice (100% organic just tart cherries – think a shot glass full), and lime juice – mix or shake and enjoy – also the tart cherry juice helps you stay asleep + the Coke Zero 0 sugars/calories.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, fresh citrus is definitely good. I’ll have to pass on the coke though as it’s full of sweeteners which are as bad (if not worse) than sugar. But I love the thought of cherry juice. I’ll keep an eye out for that.


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